Work Evolution - creative coworking space in Long Beach, CA - Work Evolution - creative coworking space in Long Beach, CA Mon, 20 May 2024 05:15:18 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Learn to Build Websites Using WordPress in two Saturdays!

If you are an entrepreneur, business owner or anyone that needs a website, this course will teach you how to create your own unique business or personal website! 

Save money, time and learn easily!

November 7 & 14 from 9AM to 3:30PM

$20 discount code: welabsPromo

Register Today!

WordPress is the premier content management system for those seeking an easy, user-friendly way to set up and maintain a website.  

We start you at the beginning and through a series of hands-on, instructor-led and easy to follow labs, you will quickly get up to speed with Wordpress.  By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge to fully utilize WordPress to build professional looking websites! 

In this 2 session course, you’ll walk through the basics of creating and getting your site live quickly.  You will learn how to update and maintain your WordPress site using the WordPress dashboard, as well as learn how to avoid common problems and pitfalls. Plus you’ll find out how to customize your site to get the exact look you’re going for. 

View Full Class Syllabus

Class Dates & Times 
November 7 & 14 
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 
Cost:  $169 

Who Can Benefit From this Class

The Novice / Beginner 
Are you new to WordPress? Are you confused and even a little intimidated with the WordPress Content Management System? This instructor-led class is perfect for you.  

The Entrepreneur 
Do you want to build your own website and save money? This class will show you how easy it is to build and customize your website. 

The Small Business 
Do you need to quickly learn how to add content, edit pages and create a "sophisticated" look for your company's outdated website? In this course you will quickly learn the skills it takes to manage a beautiful, modern WordPress website. 

What You Will Be Able to Do 

  • Install a theme
  • Quickly use WordPress to create a stunning website from scratch 
  • Choose from 1000s of themes and modify them to create a unique and personalized site
  • Fully utilize plugins, widgets and settings 


Prerequisites & Preparation

This is a beginner to intermediate course which is designed to be helpful to those who have never seen WordPress before or those who have been using WordPress but without a formal understanding of the mechanics behind it. Some basic knowledge of navigating websites is the only requirement. A laptop with working WI-Fi is required. 


About the Instructor 
Adam Silver is a WordPress Developer, Podcaster and Photographer.  He has years of experience in web design and public and private instruction. He has built dozens of websites and has helped trainees go from beginner to professional WordPress users.

Blog Thu, 05 Nov 2015 00:00:00 +0000
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Get on our email distribution list Tue, 15 Sep 2015 00:00:00 +0000
A Call for Artists: WE Show III, Metamorphosis w/Guest Curator Aleksey Volchek A Call for Artists: WE Show III, Metamorphosis w/Guest Curator Aleksey Volchek
Our guest curator, Aleksey Volchek, wants to see your art and he wants to hear about your Metamorphosis.
Call for Artists
Our first two exhibits represented a cross section of Long Beach's finest artists. For WE Show III, our focus will narrows to changes, metamorphoses. How have you as an artist adapted to changes in your environment, your world? How have you interpreted changes in our ever evolving city, our ever changing world? How has our greater, shared metamorphosis influenced your art and/or how does your art represent adaptive change?
This WE Show will focus in on three to five individual artists with a perspective representing Metamorphosis. If this is you and you are interested in this tremendous storytelling and exhibition opportunity, please see the submission instructions below and submit your art for consideration no later than noon on July 21st, 2015. 
About WE Show and Art Submission Guide
In recognition that exhibition space is at a premium for Long Beach artists, Work Evolution and the Arts Council for Long Beach are partnering on an exhibition series just for Long Beach artists.  Submission is open to all artists who are signed up on the Arts Council for Long Beach, Arts and Cultural Registry.
The Arts and Culture Registry is a free service designed to be a comprehensive and inclusive list of artists and arts organizations serving Long Beach, California. It improves visibility for Long Beach’s impressive talent pool and offers a vehicle for local exposure and networking. The Registry is open to any artist who lives, works, performs or exhibits in Long Beach, California.
Work Evolution is Long Beach’s co-working and creative space located downtown at 235 East Broadway. Our large, inviting space also serves as a gallery and event location, making this a unique opportunity for Long Beach artists to expand their audience.
Shows will exhibit on a quarterly basis and will be featured through regular We Labs Art Tours. The opening reception for our third quarterly exhibition will be on August 8th, 2015. Additionally, Work Evolution and the Arts Council will partner with participating artists to actively promote the show.
Work Media: Most 2D media; limited space available for 3D work.
Work Size: 6’X6’, 80 LB. max.
Entry Requirements:
  • Artist’s information on the Arts Council for Long Beach, Arts and Cultural Registry must be current and complete.
  • Digital images (JPEG) of up to three works may be submitted either by email to or on CD/DVD, mailed or delivered to: Work Evolution, 235 E. Broadway, 8th Floor, Long Beach, CA 90802
  • Artist resume or biography & exhibition record, if any.
  • Artist Statement (please address metamorphosis and/or adaptive change)
  • Sales price (if applicable)
Timeline: Opening Reception: August 8, 2015
Entries Due: July 21 by Noon, 2015
Notification to artists: July 22, 2015
Accepted Artwork: All 2D artwork must be installation-ready (wire or sawtooth hangers).
Delivery: Artwork to be delivered to Work Evolution by August 3rd, artists will be notified of delivery days and times after selection process.
Opening Reception: August 8, 2015,  7PM to 10PM
Exhibit Ends: October, 2015
Blog Fri, 10 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000
A Call for Artists: WE Show III, Metamorphosis w/Guest Curator Aleksey Volchek A Call for Artists: WE Show III, Metamorphosis w/Guest Curator Aleksey Volchek
Our guest curator, Aleksey Volchek, wants to see your art and he wants to hear about your Metamorphosis.
Call for Artists
Our first two exhibits represented a cross section of Long Beach's finest artists. For WE Show III, our focus will narrows to changes, metamorphoses. How have you as an artist adapted to changes in your environment, your world? How have you interpreted changes in our ever evolving city, our ever changing world? How has our greater, shared metamorphosis influenced your art and/or how does your art represent adaptive change?
This WE Show will focus in on three to five individual artists with a perspective representing Metamorphosis. If this is you and you are interested in this tremendous storytelling and exhibition opportunity, please see the submission instructions below and submit your art for consideration no later than noon on July 21st, 2015. 
About WE Show and Art Submission Guide
In recognition that exhibition space is at a premium for Long Beach artists, Work Evolution and the Arts Council for Long Beach are partnering on an exhibition series just for Long Beach artists.  Submission is open to all artists who are signed up on the Arts Council for Long Beach, Arts and Cultural Registry.
The Arts and Culture Registry is a free service designed to be a comprehensive and inclusive list of artists and arts organizations serving Long Beach, California. It improves visibility for Long Beach’s impressive talent pool and offers a vehicle for local exposure and networking. The Registry is open to any artist who lives, works, performs or exhibits in Long Beach, California.
Work Evolution is Long Beach’s co-working and creative space located downtown at 235 East Broadway. Our large, inviting space also serves as a gallery and event location, making this a unique opportunity for Long Beach artists to expand their audience.
Shows will exhibit on a quarterly basis and will be featured through regular We Labs Art Tours. The opening reception for our third quarterly exhibition will be on August 8th, 2015. Additionally, Work Evolution and the Arts Council will partner with participating artists to actively promote the show.
Work Media: Most 2D media; limited space available for 3D work.
Work Size: 6’X6’, 80 LB. max.
Entry Requirements:
  • Artist’s information on the Arts Council for Long Beach, Arts and Cultural Registry must be current and complete.
  • Digital images (JPEG) of up to three works may be submitted either by email to or on CD/DVD, mailed or delivered to: Work Evolution, 235 E. Broadway, 8th Floor, Long Beach, CA 90802
  • Artist resume or biography & exhibition record, if any.
  • Artist Statement (please address metamorphosis and/or adaptive change)
  • Sales price (if applicable)
Timeline: Opening Reception: August 8, 2015
Entries Due: July 21 by Noon, 2015
Notification to artists: July 22, 2015
Accepted Artwork: All 2D artwork must be installation-ready (wire or sawtooth hangers).
Delivery: Artwork to be delivered to Work Evolution by August 3rd, artists will be notified of delivery days and times after selection process.
Opening Reception: August 8, 2015,  7PM to 10PM
Exhibit Ends: October, 2015
Blog Fri, 10 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000
Capturing the Essence: Lara Mirinjian


Lara Mirinjian is an immensely talented pianist and entrepreneur whose passion for music has driven her to create an online piano course for beginners. Lara’s unique approach is to teach her students the foundation of music based on rhythm, ensuring they learn this crucial element in order for them to have a full understanding of music.

New to the Work Evolution community, she’s been a member for just over a month and is now expanding to in-person group classes here at Work Evolution. WE asked Lara some questions about her business, passions, and aspirations. Here are some memorable moments from our conversation that WE believe captures her true essence:

“Your heart has to be behind everything you do. And if it’s not, it’s not going to be successful. This world is run by love. You know, if something is going to be successful it’s because you love it. You nurture something that you love . . . . Your business is you. It’s a representation of you.” 

“What inspires us to play music? It’s passion. It’s what’s in our hearts. So by focusing on our passion for the music…then anyone can learn how to play.”

“I don't sell piano lessons. I sell passion for life through music.”

Music is so much more important than what a lot of people think. I know musicians all agree. But for the ones who are not musicians, music can change your life. You know, that’s what it’s done for me…there’s so much love to be felt around music.”

Lara will hold two introductory classes for adults on July 1st; the first from 6-7pm and the second from 7-8pm right here at Work Evolution. To stay updated with Lara’s piano lessons and online courses, visit her website at

Blog Thu, 25 Jun 2015 00:00:00 +0000
Meet our Members: Aleksey Volchek, Photographer Extraordinaire Meet our Members: Aleksey Volchek, Photographer Extraordinaire

Aleksey Volchek likes to shoot people and the outcome of that is better than you would initially expect. Yes, he' a photographer and he's also immensely talented. This is a good combination. He's one of Work Evolution's official photographers and we couldn't recommend him more. He also does these amazing virtual tours (stay tuned for ours!), checkout his tour of Flea Espresso Bar in LBC, if you dare.

Here are five questions we asked Volchek and these are precisely the answers we expected. He's that good, get to know him

What's your line of work and why do you do what you do?
I like to think of myself as a story teller, powered by my photography. I deflect the notion that photography at my level is some sort of art - it's a tool, a tool to visually tell a story. I'd like to get into the art side of photography eventually.

What's your favorite type of project to work on? Have any examples?
Anything that promotes and helps local artists. With a theatre/film background I also love to goof around in front of the camera too.

If someone gave you a million dollars, how would you spend it?
I'd create experimental "Universal Basic Income" for artists fund where I'd figure out how UBI's model can be privatized and have financial sense for other milliners to participate.

Who would you rather apprentice for, Ansel Adams or Annie Leibovitz? Explain your answer.
Ansel - he seems to be very comfortable with giving up control over what happens and simply capture the moment ... in the moment. (From what I remember in my history of photography class ha ha).

What do you like most about being a Work Evolution member?
It makes me feel more responsible to my goals. It makes the process of dreaming seem more real because I have a space to craft and bend the fabric of my reality to achieve them.

Blog Thu, 11 Jun 2015 00:00:00 +0000
Meet our Members: Jeff Algera and his company, Principal Meet our Members: Jeff Algera and his company, Principal

Jeff Algera and his team at Principal specialize in helping venture-backed startups deliver MVPs and agencies architect reusable systems. Basically, they can turn pretty much any concept for mobile and web into reality. Got an idea? You should get in touch with Principal. Want to get to know Jeff a bit better? Then keep reading.

What's your line of work and why do you do what you do?

Principal LA is a mobile-first development company focused on bringing high-quality app development to startups and global agencies.

What's your favorite type of project to work on? Have any examples?

Principal LA specializes in delivering high-quality mobile apps that are designed and developed here in Long Beach.  We've written both the first version of apps as well as rebuilds of large brands.   We are currently working on a VC-backed app.  Rebuilt from the ground up, we are looking forward to launching soon. 

If someone gave you a million dollars, how would you spend it?


I'd invest it in bringing people into Long Beach to help our company grow and continue to deliver high-quality projects.

If you had to choose, Beck or Johnny Cash? Explain your answer.

All of our work is completed on Mac for iOS devices.  We don't really have a need to use a Linux box other than for our web and API servers.

What do you like most about being a Work Evolution member?

Work Evolution offers the office space as a service.  The less I can think about in terms of office space is the more I can focus on my core business.


Blog Tue, 26 May 2015 00:00:00 +0000
Meet our Members: LLuvia Zuniga, Mathamatics and Physics Tutor Extraordinaire! Meet our Members: LLuvia Zuniga, Mathamatics and Physics Tutor Extraordinaire!
LLuvia with her company, STEM Discovery Tutoring, has been a Work Evolution member since 2014 and we've proudly watched her grow her business. She is a tremendous asset to our community and someone you should get to know, especially if you need help figuring out calculus and physics! When she isn't tutoring physics from her office at Work Evolution, you can catch her teaching Physics at LA City College. Here are five questions with Lluvia.

1) What's your line of work and why do you do what you do?
I teach physics and calculus to anyone who likes these subjects, is just interested, or is otherwise forced to know it.  I am especially interested in teaching to groups who would not otherwise have been exposed to physics and calculus and being a mentor to those who find that it is not only fun to learn, but even that they are quite talented!  My philosophy is simple:  Never stop learning.  Never stop teaching what you have learned.

2) What's your favorite type of project to work on? Have any examples?
Taking on new and different ways of looking at these subjects and their applications is a special joy.  This semester, I have had the good fortune of working with a student taking a BioMechanics course and we try to understand how, for example, to minimize the forces and torques on a particular set of ligaments after hip surgery. 

3) If someone gave you a million dollars, how would you spend it?
I would stay low key and keep doing my little tutoring business.  Then I'd surprise deserving students with scholarships to whatever university they are going to.  

4) Who's a bigger deal, Einstein or Newton? Explain your answer.
DEFINITELY Newton!  Newton is famous for his three laws of mechanics and inventing calculus.  Fewer people know that he also discovered the law of gravitation.  This was the beginning of physics as we know it.  The law of gravitation applies equally to celestial objects as well as things on earth.  The same mechanism that causes an apple fall from a tree causes the Earth to revolve around the sun.  We cannot imagine what a preposterous suggestion it would have seemed to the regular people of that time--when the heavens was considered the "perfect and immutable" place where God and the angels resided, while the Earth was flawed and full of imperfect humans.  Indeed, writing down the single law which explained motion on Earth and in the Heavens was the first great unification in physics.  Every physicist since then, even Einstein, has been trying to finish what Newton began--a unification theory for everything.  All that being said, Newton was a weirdo!  Einstein was much cooler.  :)

5) What do you like most about being a Work Evolution member?
Before Work Evolution, I wasn't really encouraged to follow my dream of owning my own tutoring business.  Here I have found the encouragement and support to do it.  I have also found the room to grow and expand beyond what I thought was possible.  Work Evolution makes that dream you have in the backof your head that you try to repress for the sake of not taking risks, out into the light, where it can grow and flourish.  Flesh it out until it's viable.  Then realize it.  Plus all the free coffee!!
Blog Tue, 19 May 2015 00:00:00 +0000
Meet our Members: Brandon Halvorson with Assignment Creative Meet our Members: Brandon Halvorson with Assignment Creative

Every wonder if there was a way music fans could make sure the money they spend supporting their favorite artists actually helped those artists, rather than massive industry conglomerates? Well, Brandon Halvorson and Assignment Creative have got you covered! Launching this summer, Assignment Creative will help build an entirely new network based on an online currency where the connections between artists and fans are direct, rather than indirect. Fans will be able to use aCoins to support their favorite artists in the marketplace while artists can launch funding drives in this same space.

Artist, meet fan. Fan, meet artist. Make amazing music.

Checkout Assignment Creative and be sure to signup for the upcoming launch announcement!

Below are five questions we asked Brandon so the world can better get to know the genius about to change the face of the music industry:

What's your line of work and why do you do what you do?
I'm building a tech startup to make a revolutionary change in the music industry. Using technology to bring some sense back to an industry that I believe is more important that its given credit. The more art that the world is creating and consuming, the better the world is. I want to play a part in taking music and art in general to the next level. My vehicle to do so is Assignment Creative where we have developed a new way for musicians to find fans, fans a way to find their new favorite bands, and for both groups to mutually benefit from the interactions. Our philosophy is "Music is Free, Creativity is a Commodity, and Art is a Gift."

What's your favorite type of project to work on? Have any examples?
I like events, before I started building Assignment Creative I worked in the craft beer industry and had the opportunity to organize and manage some really epic events. One of the most satisfying feelings is watching people enjoy with their family and friends something you've worked so hard to produce. You may be exhausted, stressed, and frustrated- but the goal is to provide them with a good time, and when that happens its incredibly fulfilling. I have some really cool events in the works with Assignment Creative including the first ever Long Beach Walls, An ARt Walk event with Bryan Amburgey of ARLB where we'll be turning Downtown Long Beach into an interactive music and art exhibit on June 20th
If someone gave you a million dollars, how would you spend it?
$1million would be a good start to fully funding my ambitions with Assignment Creative. $10 million would be more useful. 
If you had to choose, Beck or Johnny Cash? Explain your answer.
What do you like most about being a Work Evolution member?
WE LABS is community. I couldn't see my project having the positive traction it is enjoying without the support I've found at WE LABS. It's not quite an incubator, not just a co-op working space, and certainly not a stuffy place to be. I've met collaborators and made friends, found insight and good people to enjoy a happy hour pint with (at Beachwood BBQ, of course). WE LABS is the cutting edge for the creative and tech communities in Long Beach, who really wants to work in their home office when they can work around so many awesome people.
Blog Tue, 12 May 2015 00:00:00 +0000
Meet our Members: Lolly Spindler and Crea Content Marketing Meet our Members: Lolly Spindler and Crea Content Marketing

Effective and impactful content is a tricky thing to master and it's not just about crossing t's and dotting i's. It takes talent and it takes curiosity. Work Evolution' member, Lolly, has both in spades. We bugged her recently for a micro-interview and she was kind enough to oblige. Take a couple minutes and get to know her and her work. Its definitely worth it and who knows, maybe you will have just been introduced to your next content guru!

Also, bonus: Lolly has included one of her amazing tips infographics at the end of this blog. Social Media Hacks, just for you!

What's your line of work and why do you do what you do?

I work as a content marketer doing everything from inbound marketing, social media marketing, blog writing, copy editing and SEO. I got into this because I knew I wanted to write for a living, but also wanted to make a living!

What's your favorite type of project to work on? Have any examples?

I love creating infographics. It's a fun creative outlet for me and I love the design aspect of it.

If someone gave you a million dollars, how would you spend it?

If someone gave me a million dollars, I would travel around the world. I absolutely love traveling and miss it so much! I would also buy an adorable terrace apartment in Madrid (my second home! I lived there for 2 years and miss it every day).

Cosplay or renaissance fairs? Explain your answer.

I had to look up what cosplay was, but I'm gonna go with that. I'd much rather hang out with this guy:

Inline image 1

than this guy:
Inline image 2
What do you like most about being a Work Evolution member?
Work Evolution allows me to work in a creative, collaborative environment where I can be more focused and therefore more productive. In addition to these perks, the space itself is a conductor for inspiration and creativity and allows for great networking opportunities. 
Blog Mon, 04 May 2015 00:00:00 +0000